You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.3. FILE Menu: Master File Maintenance > 1.3.2. File - Debtor > File - Debtor - Hold

File - Debtor - Hold

Debtor accounts may be put on hold to prevent further sales being made by MDS, POS and MJC. You can use one of two methods:


Technical Tip

  • Accounts can be taken off hold during the receipt of debtor payments or by using the Debtor File Update screen - Hold tab described in this section.
  • When an account is on hold, only users with the appropriate security access can process new sales to this debtor (i.e. the Override Customers On Hold field on the User File Update screen - MDS Security tab must be set to Yes - refer to "Maintenance - Edit UserIDs - 4. MDS Security").
  • Correspondence relating to the reason for putting the account on hold should be entered in the Debtor File Update screen - Text tab and flagged to display on the order entry screen and/or to be printed on reports (refer to "File - Debtor - Text").

To put an individual debtor on hold or take a debtor off hold:

  1. Add a new debtor or open an existing one.

Refer to "Adding a New Debtor" or "Updating a Debtor".

  1. Select the Hold tab.

Micronet displays the Debtor File Update screen - Hold tab.

  1. Complete the following fields:





On Hold

Select Yes to put the account on hold, or select No to take it off hold.



Enter the reason for putting the account on hold which will be printed/displayed throughout Micronet.


Account Status

Select the account status. Options are:

  • Active – a normal, active debtor account
  • Disabled – prevents the account from being used
  • enPOS Allocations – only select this option if the debtor is a finance company. If a customer purchases an item via enPOS and payment has been arranged through a finance company, this ensures that the finance company can be selected in the Allocating to Debtor field on the Enter Allocation Details screen in enPOS (refer to "POS Scheduler Pay - Allocate").
  1. Select FILE | SAVE.

2.8 Feature

If the account you are putting on hold / taking off hold is a central debtor account, Micronet will prompt you to also put all the related child accounts on hold or take them off hold.

  1. Optionally, update orders held on file for this customer by selecting EDIT | UPDATE ORDERS.

Refer to "Debtor File Update Screen - Menu Options".